Benjamin Sledge
1 min readApr 16, 2020

Max, thanks for reading it man! I’m checking out the one you sent me now. However, if you want to read the greatest essay I’ve ever read in my life on war, it too, also comes from Esquire, but was written in 1984 by a Vietnam veteran. Here’s the link:

It’s long, but captivating, and gets after your soul and all the emotions you experienced. Last, you should 100% read the book “What It Is Like To Go To War” by Karl Marlantes (another Vietnam vet who was a Marine and won the Navy Cross). It’s probably my favorite book of the last 4 years. I hate the current war memoirs because it’s all snipers jerking themselves off. This one gets to the heart of what soldiers—from all wars—experience.



Benjamin Sledge

Multi-award winning author | Combat wounded veteran | Mental health specialist | Occasional geopolitical intel | Graphic designer |